Latest News

Dear Church Family friends,
I can’t quite believe that we are almost at the end of January. And what a month it has been! The C of E losing its Archbishop of Canterbury in a distressing resignation over serious safeguarding failings and a series of international events of huge significance: the swearing-in of the President in the US, the return of refugee families to Gaza in the middle-East and the 80th Anniversary commemorations of the liberation of the Auschwitz-Berkenau concentration camp. So much to take in and so much to pray for.
Here, we have had a good start to the new year: in church, Vision Sunday and Gifts Day have been well-attended; the School of Theology, looking at Tom Wright’s book Surprised by Hope, and Men @ Pub are both up and running; Breathe has been popular on Wednesday mornings and our two Little Wiggles Groups are back in action. At home, we have made an early visit to grandchildren in Leicester, where the little ones are learning more words and are beginning to enjoy helping with some of the baking and the washing up. Before long, if this enthusiasm continues, we will be putting them on the painting and decorating!
In my new role, as Chair of the House of Clergy on the Diocesan Synod, I took part in an amazing service at the Cathedral on Sunday just gone. We welcomed the new Dean, Bob Cooper. Bob has, until recently, been Archdeacon in Sunderland. The music was sensational, including a breath-taking contribution from Septura, a brass ensemble from London. Check them out on youtube.
The PCC is putting the finishing touches to our Expression of Interest with the National Heritage Lottery Fund I connection with the 2030 project. This includes work to the tower to fix it, to the bells to extend them and to our facilities to make us more hospitable.
The plans for the Farnham Literary Festival (6-16 March) are well underway. We are hosting some of the Town Council’s events and offering one of our own: local historian, Roy Waight, will give an illustrated talk on William Tyndale and the Bible as English Literature on Friday 14 March at 7pm.
Sunday 2 February
8am Holy Communion
10am All-Age Service
11.30am Morning Service at St Francis
5pm Evening Service
Sunday 9 February
10am Morning Service with groups for children
5pm Evening Service
Sunday 16 February
8am Holy Communion
10am Morning Service with groups for children
5pm Evening Service
Sunday 23 February
10am Morning Service with groups for children
5pm Evening Service
Sunday 2 March
8am Holy Communion
10am All-Age Service
11.30am Morning Service at St Francis
3pm Afternoon Tea Party – all welcome!
5pm Evening Service
Various opportunities for helping have come up in recent weeks. They include:
1 Caring Families Together
Caring Families Together is an inter-church project that aims to support families who foster and adopt by providing a safe space where looked-after children can play and carers can get support over a cup of tea. We run a monthly support group on Saturday afternoons where carers can meet with others in a similar position and share their challenges with those who understand it best. Carers can bring their children and we provide toys and activities for all ages to keep them happy and give carers a much-needed break. But we need some more volunteers to help run this group. If you can make a cup of tea or coffee, chat to people, or play with children, you can volunteer! If you can commit to 3 hours on a Saturday even every other month, that would make a huge difference to those who support some of the most vulnerable children in society.
If you would like to know more or you know already that you would like to help, please let the office know (e-mail below) and we will put you in touch with the team. Many thanks.
2 Accommodation
For a female student … “I’m looking for accommodation for next year, as I’m a student at UCA (Farnham). Would it be possible for you to ask around? I just need one room for myself. I’m studying and working most of the time. I’m 24 and I’m really self-independent person. I don’t smoke, don’t drink alcohol. I have a good sense of humour, and I’m communicative and sociable.”
3 Reading to children
Our Infant School is looking for people to read to their children one to one on a regular basis.
Please contact the office to offer help, register interest or for more information.
And finally, a great prayer for this week:
Almighty God,
whose Son revealed in signs and miracles
the wonder of your saving presence:
renew your people with your heavenly grace,
and in all our weakness
sustain us by your mighty power;
through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,
who is alive and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever. Amen.
Kathryn joins me in wishing you well as winter begins to give way to spring.
David Uffindell
Rector of Farnham
Our Parish is committed to following the Safeguarding Policies of the Church of England to keep children and vulnerable adults safe from harm.
Concerns of any sort should be reported to The Rector, The Revd. H. David Uffindell (01252 710129), or our Parish Safeguarding Officer, Lizzie Cronin (01252 715412).
The Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor is Jackie Broadfoot (07918 559387)
To view the Church of England Policy Statement ‘Promoting a Safer Church’
click here