Farnham Parish Church St Andrew & St Francis

Loving God - Living Faith - Serving Community

Little Wiggles

Our friendly Baby and Toddler Group meets on Monday and Friday mornings in term-time from 9.30am – 11am for playtime, songs, stories and refreshments.

£2 per family.  All welcome!









Wednesdays at 10am-12pm

Coffee, Cake and Conversation

Informal Communion at 12.10pm

Men @ Pub

Meets on the first Wednesday of the month from 7.30pm

Next meeting 5 February at The Teller’s Arms, Castle Street


Gospel Collective!

Gospel Choir for Adults

Every other Tuesday from 6.30pm – 9.30pm

School of Theology

6, 20 January

3,17 February

3, 17 March

7.30pm – 9pm

Alpha Course

Thursdays 7.30pm – 9pm at Farnham Vineyard.  All welcome!

The Week Ahead...

Sunday 16 February

8am Holy Communion (BCP)

10am Morning Service, with Holy Communion, activities for children and refreshments
5pm Evening Service

Monday 17 February

8.30am Morning Prayer

Wednesday 19 February
10am Breathe followed by Informal Communion at 12.10pm

Thursday 20 February

7.30pm Alpha Course at Farnham Vineyard

Welcome to the Parish of Farnham

We have two churches, St Andrew’s and St Francis, providing different types of services at different times of the day and we hope that most people can find something to suit them.

St Andrew’s Church is open daily for private prayer.  There is a quiet area at the front for prayer, where you can light a candle or leave a prayer request.  If you would like someone to pray with you, there will be someone available in the church from 10am-12pm each weekday morning.

The administration for the Parish happens in the Parish Office.    To contact the  Office ring 01252 715412 or email office@standrewsfarnham.org

Coming Soon....

Confirmation Classes….. starting soon!
Please email office@standrewsfarnham.org or sign up on the sheet at the back of Church

Click to view our services on YouTube

Click to view our Facebook Page

If you would like us to pray for you, please do email us in confidence at prayer@standrewsfarnham.org

If you would welcome pastoral or practical support from the Church, please contact the Parish Office on 01252 715412 or email office@standrewsfarnham.org.

New to Church?

A Church for Families

Services at St. Andrews

Special Events

About the Farnham Parish and its people

We serve everyone who lives and works in our parish in central Farnham

We are conscious of the Church of England’s unique calling to be a place of welcome to all – irrespective of their faith convictions. Many people worship here on Sundays and during the week, Many others value the church as a place of silence and reflection during the day, where they can bring their needs, longings and hopes to God; where candles can be lit, or the simple spaciousness of the building can be enjoyed. We are glad to host many musical and artistic events, too, and are keen to encourage use of the church by the wider community.

Elsewhere on this website you can pick up a flavour of our life and worship, as well as the many ways in which we serve the people of Farnham. I hope your ‘virtual’ visit will inspire you to come and discover the church, as well as the Christian community which cares for it.


The Governing Body and Practical Running of the Church
The Parochial Church Council and Electoral Roll.

The church is run by the Rector and the PCC – Parochial Church Council. The PCC is made up of 12 elected members from members of the congregation.  You are welcome to join our Church Family Membership List, called the Electoral Roll.   If you would like to be on the Electoral Roll you have to live in the parish or be a regular worshipper.  You can apply for membership at any time.

The PCC meet 10 times a year. The Annual Parochial Church Meeting elects members to the PCC. This is usually held in the spring.


Our Parish is committed to following the Safeguarding Policies of the Church of England to keep children and vulnerable adults safe from harm.

Concerns of any sort should be reported to The Rector, The Revd. H. David Uffindell (01252 710129), or our Parish Safeguarding Officer, Lizzie Cronin (01252 715412).

The Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor is Jackie Broadfoot (07918 559387)

To view the Church of England Policy Statement ‘Promoting a Safer Church’

click here.