You can be baptised at St Andrew's at any age.Services for Children
The Church of England has two special services for children: Thanksgiving and Baptism
We offer both Thanksgiving and Baptism to everyone, as long as they live in the Parish.

This service takes place in church in one of our regular Sunday morning 10am services. You come to church with your child(ren), to give thanks to God for their safe arrival. Many parents find this a very moving experience – since childbirth (even in the age of hi-tech medical advances) is still a wonderful and miraculous thing. There is a prayer for parents to say together and we give you little present to enjoy at home.
This is the next step. This service takes place on a first Sunday of the month also at our 10am service. Here we offer parents the chance to make serious promises to God about how they plan to bring up their child(ren) in the Christian faith. The minister sprinkles water on the child’s head and makes the sign of the cross on his/her forehead as an indication of membership in the world-wide Christian family. This service is also known as Christening.
If you would like to enquire further, please just call us at the Church Office on 01252 715412 or e-mail at

Services for Adults
Baptism is also available for adults. If you are considering getting baptised please contact the Parish Office on 01252 715412 to arrange to talk this through with the Rector.
On occasion parents or potential godparents decide to get baptised alongside their children
This is the service, where you take on for yourself with family and friends, the promises made on your behalf by your godparents when you were baptised as a baby.
There is a short preparation course to attend. One of the Bishops come to lead the service and to confirm candidates.
It is a wonderful opportunity, with others who are also on a journey, to celebrate Christian Faith in a public way.
To find out more and/or to book a place on the next preparation course, please speak to David, in the first instance.

Further help

If you can’t get to church but would like to receive communion our Pastoral Team can arrange this for you. If you would like a lift to church please let us know.
If you come along and want to get to know more about us, you can fill in a Welcome Card and someone will give you a call.
If you need more information please contact the Parish Office.