I'm New
The Parish of Farnhamhas two Churches - St Andrew's and St Francis'. Everyone is welcome to attend a service. When you arrive a member of the welcome team will greet you and if you mention that it is your first time here they will help you find a seat.
The Church Leadership Team
The church leader is the Rector, David. He is assisted by our Lay Minister, Andrew.

The Churches
St Francis is a small church located in Three Stiles Road.
St Andrew’s is a large church in the town centre.
Children are welcome at morning services and can go out into KOSTA for age specific teaching

Waggons Yard Public Car Park is free on Sundays and is 100 yards from the church.
There is a ramp down to the ground floor which is then all on one level and our welcome team will be happy to make sure you have anything you need.

The Services
The churches provide different types of services at different times of the day and we hope that most people can find something to suit them, click here to find out about our regular patterns of worship.
Church Groups
There are many small groups which you can join – both study and discussion groups and friendship groups.

Further help
If you can’t get to church but would like to receive communion our Pastoral Team can arrange this for you. If you would like a lift to church please let us know.
If you come along and want to get to know more about us, you can fill in a Welcome Card and someone will give you a call.
If you need more information please contact the Parish Office.