Latest News

Dear Church Family friends,
I do hope that the autumn is going well for you. After two weeks of challenging jury service for me, Kathryn and I are just back from a few days away with our grandchildren and family. It felt a great honour to take part in the judicial system, something I had not done before. The responsibility of it felt weighty, especially in coming to the right conclusions for the victims in the case. Two weeks I will not forget in a hurry!
In other news, what a great celebration we have had for Hallowe’en this year! Last week, we welcomed huge numbers of people from the town into church in procession with their many and varied creations. We have been privileged to play a part in hosting the town’s first Lantern Festival. What a joy to celebrate light at a time when darkness is creeping in and the expectation of Advent and Christmas are just around the corner.
We have been awarded our Bronze Award, indicating that we are taking the climate change agenda seriously and trying to make a difference both individually and as a church family. If you would like to be part of a small group Kathryn is co-ordinating, to think about our getting our Silver Award, please contact the office.
Remembrance Sunday
There will be no service in church this coming Sunday, as we gather with the community at Gostrey Meadow for the annual Act of Remembrance. The procession begins in Castle Street at 10.30am and the service follows on, starting just before 11am.
Christmas Day: INVITATION to Christmas Lunch
Do you have firm plans for Christmas Day or would you like to have Christmas lunch at St Andrew’s?
We are hoping to offer lunch in the Pavilions for those who might otherwise be on their own. There will be a small charge to cover the cost of food.
Please do contact Janne and Jeremy Thorp if this is something you would like to come to and be part of or know more about
Please see below for our Advent and Christmas programme
Sunday 1 December
8am Holy Communion
10am All-Age Service
11.30am Morning Service at St Francis
3pm Bach to Baby Concert
4pm Open-Air Carols on Gostrey Meadow with J John
Wednesday 4 December
7.30pm Civic Carol Service
Saturday 7 December
9am Church Decorating – all welcome
4pm Bell-Ringers Christmas Service
Sunday 8 December
10am Morning Service with groups for children
3pm Afternoon Tea with craft activity
4pm Open-Air Carols on Gostrey Meadow with J John
5pm No Evening Service
Saturday 14 December
5pm Shuffletunes Big Christmas Singing Bash
Sunday 15 December
8am Holy Communion
10am Pop Up Nativity – come along and be part of the story!
5pm Evening Service
Saturday 21 December
7pm Gospel Collective @ Christmas: Tickets £10
Sunday 22 December
10am Morning Service with groups for children
3pm Carol Service at St Francis Church
5pm Carol Service at St Andrew’s Church
Monday 23 December
9.30am Christingle Factory
Christmas Eve
4pm Christingle Service
11pm Late Night Communion
Christmas Day
9am Holy Communion
10am Celebration and Communion
Sunday 29 December
10am Celebration and Communion
5pm No Evening Service
Every week
Mon 9.30 to 11am* “Little Wiggles” Babies & Toddlers, parents, grandparents and carers
Wed 10am to 12noon “Breathe”: Drop In. Everyone welcome!
Coffee, Cake, Conversation & Communion
Fri 9.30 to 11am* “Little Wiggles” Babies & Toddlers, parents, grandparents and carers
*term-time only
Kathryn and I send you our very best wishes for Remembrance, Advent and Christmas and look forward to seeing you at some of our special events and services.
David Uffindell
Rector of Farnham
Our Parish is committed to following the Safeguarding Policies of the Church of England to keep children and vulnerable adults safe from harm.
Concerns of any sort should be reported to The Rector, The Revd. H. David Uffindell (01252 710129), or our Parish Safeguarding Officer, Lizzie Cronin (01252 715412).
The Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor is Jackie Broadfoot (07918 559387)
To view the Church of England Policy Statement ‘Promoting a Safer Church’
click here